Section: New Results

Languages and Foundations: Process algebra

Participants : Damien Pous, Jean-Bernard Stefani, Barbara Petit.

The goal of this work is to study process algebraic foundations for component-based distributed programming. Most of this work takes place in the context of the ANR PiCoq and Rever projects.

To develop composable abstractions for programming dependable systems, we investigate concurrent reversible models of computation, where arbitrary executions can be reversed, step by step, in a causally consistent way. This year we have continued the study of primitives for controlling reversibility in a higher-order variant of the π-calculus. We have shown that the combination of a basic notion of message alternative coupled with a rollback primitive that respects causal consistency provides enough expresive power to encode various rollback policies. We have also started to study the expresive power of these primitives with respect to transactional constructs. In particular, we have shown that our primitives allow for a faithful encoding of a notion of communicating transaction proposed by Hennessy et al, while avoiding spurious rollbacks which mar Hennessy's approach. This work has been submitted for publication. A digest of our main ideas on controlling reversibility has appeared in [25] .

We have also started a study on the cost of making a concurrent programming language reversible. More specifically, we have started from an abstract machine for a fragment of the Oz programming language and made it reversible. We have shown that the overhead of the reversible machine with respect to the original one in terms of space is at most linear in the number of execution steps, and that this bound is tight since some programs cannot be made reversible without storing a commensurate amount of information. This work has been published in [26] .